I've reading a lot about the Oscar Pistorius case with some interest; almost like a heroin addict, I need to read one more article, constantly inhaling the new information with vigour. It is the most bizarre murder mystery. Was it premeditated, or by accident? What on earth possessed him to pull the trigger?
There is no doubt that he is guilty of shooting Reeva, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to say otherwise would be an exercise in futility. Driving with one of my friends, I was asked why they had removed the advertising, a large billboard, for the Oscars on M-Net, with a picture of Oscar Pistorius. I brazenly replied "They would have had to add the slogan: Shooting for the Stars".
Do not get me wrong. I am shocked and appalled. However, it does not surprise me too much in a country where everyone has a gun (except, it seems, me). Criminals own guns to frighten and threaten you. Your average citizens own a gun for protection. Somewhere between all of that, someone is going to get shot.
A story retold on many different occasions. It is not the first time that we hear of an accidental shooting, if Oscar's side is to be believed, and it is not the first time we hear of an angry spouse shooting through jealous rage, if we are to believe the policemen. What about the world? Well, the world is shocked by our blasé attitude towards firearms.
Pistorius' case is unfortunate. A scandal that has rocked this country (again). I feel sorry for the presiding judge, as it is a tough case. Not only because it is mired in sloppy police work, but also because the media has over sensationalised it.