Saturday, May 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

I've always liked making people think, about everything, so it is of no surprise that I sometimes play Devil's Advocate when my friends and I are in a deep conversation (fine, sometimes they are not so deep, but we do try to be intellectual most of the time, except when discussing sweets).

I just love posing questions, even when I already know the answer. It allows me to see what others think, or how they react to a certain topic. I find people interesting, or maybe I should be more precise, I find the world interesting, and everything is bound to get me thinking, reading, researching and learning. I am a very inquisitive individual. I can never take anything at face value, if someone tells me something, I have to go find out about it.

I suffer from insomnia, which means I get very little sleep done, which can lead to terrible boredom, so I read about anything and everything. So when people start saying something that I find incorrect, I just have to argue. I have had many arguments about the most trivial things, which has allowed me to learn and teach at the same time. Nothing bothers me more than someone being closed minded about something, especially if they do not fully understand it. My favourites have been topics revolving around evolution, and the all too oft used slur of "it's just a theory". Which just makes me upset that they have not read up on what a 'Scientific Theory' is, and also most of the time, shows that they have not even taken the time to read up about the evolutionary theory, which has brought so many interesting hypotheses forward, and is everyday being proven with new discoveries.

The world is too interesting to leave everything to the unknown. The human spirit, if you like, is always striving for knowledge, and that is how it should be. Why should one group, or individual, have the right to restrict the progression of the human mind in a world filled with so much wonder.

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