Tuesday, March 23, 2010

By Bike

Today, I decided to go to work by bicycle. I wont lie, and say that I was trying to be environmentally friendly, but rather that I am still oddly struggling to get my drivers license, due to a rather unfortunate series of events.
Let me make it clear that I do actually know how to drive, but unfortunately I do not know how to bribe. South Africa has its little quirks, like any country, and one of them is the annoying K53 license, the people who give you the test are hell bent on failing you any chance they get, and believe me when I say, that sometimes the only way to actually get your license in SA, is to grease a few palms.

I decided on going by bike, firstly due to the fact that I do actually enjoy driving around on my bike, and secondly, that I have no other real means of transport, other than asking friends, or my brother, to take me.
I give art classes, predominantly in Oils and acrylics, but I do dabble in the uncharted world of water-paints and gouache. Packing a rucksack with all my brushes, paints, palette, and canvas. I set off to work on my bike at around 7:30, thinking that my trip would take me about an hour, which it did not. I took all the roads that I knew would get me there the fastest, and that were also the most scenic. Why make a trip boring too? I really do love South Africa, there is much left to be desired for sure, but it is truly a beautiful country.
I have been to many places in the world, having been brought up in Zimbabwe, Belgium, and Greece, and also having traveled extensively through Europe and parts of Africa. I have the one advantage of having grandparents in both France and SA, meaning that I 'have' to go visit them both. So I can say without a doubt that I do live in a wonderful country.
I run ever second day, about 10km, and find biking quite different. I was told that it works a whole set of different muscles than running, and I am sure he is right, but I cannot say that I run for that reason, and definitely am not a fitness fanatic. The reason why I run is that it gives me time to think, and to get away from what I usually do everyday. I think of it as meditative.

Maybe it's because this is a stream of consciousness, but even I have lost the point I was trying to make. So I will just leave you with: I started looking all fresh faced and bushy tailed, and arrived looking sweaty and bedraggled.

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