Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dread of Morning

I don't know what it is about mornings. There is something so dreadful about having to get up in the wee early hours of the morning and then setting out for the day, maybe it is due to my suffering sometimes from insomnia, or the fact that even when I'm sleeping I have a tendency of waking up at random, but the fact remains that I dislike the whole morning procedure.

I have always found trying to figure out what I want for breakfast a pain, there is only one certainty, and that is, that there is going to be coffee involved. Coffee is basically 'the' lifeblood for the tedium that is mornings, without it I am sure I would not be able to function normally. However, food is always a problem, eating something is fine, but the having to prepare it too, is a schlep. I try to avoid breakfasts that are too involved, those huge 'bacon and egg, with toast, and cereal, and, and, and...', and rather stick to something small, like an apple with a rusk (a type of a biscuit especially made for dunking in coffee, just so that some of my non-South African friends can know what I am talking about). It might seem like too little, but it is enough to get me going, and then maybe have a bigger lunch.

Getting dressed, or actually finding the right clothes has never been one of my problems, and it is not because I have impeccable fashion taste, quite the opposite, I don't really care what I wear, as long as it is comfortable. I keep all my clothes as simple as possible, never owning colours that don't go together, and making sure that everything can be washed with the minimum amount of effort. I am lazy that way. I like to be able to pull any clothes out of my cupboard knowing that they will work together no matter what combination I get.

I think the worst part about mornings is the part where you actually wake up, and then have to will yourself to actually get up. It's a struggle, even if there is something I really want to do. I know the old adage of "The early bird catches the worm", but if I could kill the bird afterwards, I would be just as happy and maybe a little avian homicide would help me sleep a little better, especially since those d*** birds seem to get up pretty early to start their chorus of chirps and whistles.

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