Sunday, March 14, 2010

First try, first thought

It might be a little conceited, but I want the world to know that I exist, and that I want to experience the world like no other, or maybe more accurately, like people that think as I do. I have always been fascinated by every facet of humanity, culture, and a little of everything in general, so it might come as no surprise that I have not found what I really want out of life.

People like me, and most probably you, are dreamers, trying to find the ideal in everything. We spend our time with our heads in the clouds metaphorically, and sometimes literally. We would have been explorers in times past, looking for the unexplored, trudging through the jungles and finding the rare unseen world.

I have travelled extensively, I have seen many parts of the world, but I want to see more of it. I grew up as the child of a Diplomat; never living in one place for more than four years at a time. I seem to be more attuned to travel than most, and maybe that is why I want to see more. If I could find my way to travel everywhere I would do it in a heart beat.

I want to write my thoughts down, what's going on around me, show how I see the world, and maybe you'll find some resemblance of yourself in my writing. I have never walked a conventional path, and probably have no direct route to any of my goals, but hopefully through writing on this blog I will find some cohesion to my world.

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